Our home

Our mansion

This is our home; an abandoned mansion. It was abandoned in 1976 and it has been our clans home since 1980. It is the only place we are not terrorized because of our unatural powers and it is a safe haven for anyone with powers as we accept anyone if they need a place to stay. No normal humans can enter as I (Dusk) have hidden it with my dark magic when I got there and only people with amazing powers may enter (teenagers only).

Where it is located

This is the forest where our mansion is located. It is in a large clearing around one kilometre from a small town where we get our supplies from (and when I say 'get our supplies' I don't mean buy them... ) The forest is where the young werewolves run, the vampires hunt and our clan practice their powers. Huh, I suddenly feel sorry for the pathetic humans who hike through the forest too far towards us... Nah not really.  

Across the other side of the forest live an enemy clan. They are the Deathmoon Clan and we don't get along...
Members, go to news if you're confused.