Hello this is the news page

News this week:

I would like to welcome everyone to our small clan. It is great to have you with us and our clan is slowly growing :)
We'll have to find a place on the web or something else to meet up does anyone have any suggestions? Well I think it should be wolf quest but anyway...
Once you have become part of our clan please only write messages on the blog part called 'members only' not in the new peoples page where you sign up to become part of it. Thanx  
And we have changed the rp area to another website, namely darkmoonrp.weebly.com but i think it should be here so in about a week i am going to clear the history of the one here. just giving you a last chance to read it.  And lastly we have another blog for reccomendations, so check it out!!!

And we now have a rival clan, you can talk to them on http://deathmoonclan.weebly.com (if you go on there use the name darkmoonrules or they won't know who we are) or darkmoonvsdeathmoon.weebly.com


name: Amy
age: 15
gender female
rank: scout
likes: the sun, roses, singing and playing my piano
dislikes: not a lot...
discription: very pretty newborn vampire, light brown thick hair and often wears a rose and beads in it, I wear old fashoned dresses as I was a princes and am used to pretty much the best, I have a very soft wind-chime voice, always wears light, gold, tight bracelets around my wrists
personality: very kind and sweet but can get bossy and impatient sometimes, I am a natural leader and don't take being told what to do very well, am very independent but love talking to friends every now and then
story: was stolen from my kingdom and turned by an unknown... I had to run away because I cant resist the smell of human blood and came here to better understand what is happening to me...
                                                                   powers: shape shifting vampire
                                                                   facts: I am NOT a 'vegetarian' vampire

She might be a traitor, can anyone vouch for her? If not, sorry she's out.