This is our clan so far... if you join our site you will be added to this page with the description you have written and you can find me an anime drawing that best matches it. Also, the ranks are, in order, Leader, Second, Fighter, Guard, Scout, Apprentice.


Name: Dusk. 
Age: 12.
Gender: female.
Rank: Leader
Likes: cats, human blood and being left alone.
Dislikes: wearing shoes, cheerful, positive freaks and dirty socks.
Description: dark purple hair, golden eyes, cat ears, pretty face and usually wears black dress and scarf.
Personality: absolutely LOVES the colour black, loves being left alone, doesn't talk often, likes being the clan leader, almost silent when walks and extremely graceful and strong (she's a vampire). Story: I was left on a door step when I was only just born and I lived there untill I turned ten. I soon ran away, I lived in the streets untill now. I found an abandoned house where I was bitten by a vampire 30 years ago and I have lived there since with my clan of other teens and tweens like myself with unatural and dangerous powers (I have lived longer than most of them) and I hope you will join me in my home.
Powers: a vampire that can transform into a black cat and also is the only one ever in this clan to have dark magic.
Some facts about me: I am a 'vegetarian' vampire (only drinks animal blood) except when there is someone I really hate around to drink. I didn't have cat ears or any of my powers until I was changed to a vampire. I hate humans because of how they treat us differently to others because of who we are and I personally think we should all be treated the same because we can't help it, it's who we are. As the leader of our clan,the smallest and the youngest looking (12) I am usually the one to get the food and the money (from the town) to help our little clan survive in tough times. nearly all of our packs vampires are going vegetarian as it is best if we don't get seen killing humans all the time... 


Name: Jay
Age: 13
Gender: male
Rank: Second
Likes: riding awesome dirtbike,walking around with dusk and dawn and watching full moons...
Dislikes: not much really!
Discription: looks like jacob off new moon, (sort of) wears black shirt and jeans, tan skin and black hair, native american (quilette).
Personality: a rebel, dangerous but cares and is protective of the one he likes and loves, gets into fights a lot and is in trouble most of the time, but kind spirited.
Story: I lived with family until dad and mom were killed in a unknown murder! got into trouble heaps, was one point wanted for stealing food to live, found out I was a werewolf, dusk realised and understood the way I am, I'm still troubled at controlling my anger but its better...
Powers: werewolf, as large as a horse, russet brown, cant really control his anger, is about 108 degreed all the time.
Some facts about me: as the native american in me is strong, would never kill a animal without meaning.


Name: Dawn
Age: 12
Gender: female
Rank: Fighter
Likes: chocolate, our clan leader and water.
Dislikes: peanut butter and the colour pink
Description: long, straight black hair, green eyes and very beautiful. Has soft white, feather, angel wings growing out of her back.
Personality: kind but very fierce, hates to be pushed around by anyone, loves friends and loves to just hang out with them, likes humans (kind of) and loves to swim in any water.
Story: I lived wth my mother until I was 8 years old but she died. so I was on the run from the orphanage for 4 years, (I discovered my powers while on the run). now I am 12 years old. I found the dark-moon clan soon after I turned 12 and they accepted me into their home with them and helped me gain control over my powers and train to become a fighter.
Powers: controls water and is half angel so has wings
Some facts about me: because of my powers I love to swim, I am a vegetarian, I love animals and I hate to kill them because what have they ever done to us? and I help out anyone or anything as much as I can. People say I am very kind, I love to fly over the forest and I really like to just hang out with other flying clan members in the sky. 


Name: Ranger
Age: 13 years
Gender: male
Rank: Fighter
Likes: winter, snakes, ice, riding my horse lightning
Dislikes: birds and fire
Description: I have black hair, Blue eyes I dress in blue jeans, a gray shirt and a black jacket normaly.
personality: Can be very shy of people. Can kill if I want too and I like making bridges from ice that lead across something or just make bridges.
Story: I ran away from home when I was 10 years because I found I had powers. One day I met a black dog, he helped me survive. One day he died . It was a big loss for me, as I was 11 years at that time. I soon found a lonely horse that was very hurt. I named him Lightning and healed him. We were best friends. Until now I lived alone with my horse. Lightning is still alive and I joined this clan to help me understand my powers better and push them to the limit.
Powers: can control ice and understand animals.
Some facts about me: I was born as I look. I like to be around snakes because they dont hurt me. I like to run alot. if I see an elephant i would like to kill it but it is an endangered species. I really like the snow because I can control ice. I dont like fire because it melts ice and snow and burns the forests.


Name: Soranova (Sora for short)
age: 16
gender: female
Rank: Guard
likes: reading, anime/manga, drawing, games, animals, fun, japan everything, gore and music
dislikes: dramas, old western stuff, american cartoons-the good ones, boredom
description: Black and white hair, purple eyes, star on hip, dog ears, fangs, wears kimonos, japan rocks and cute fashion , has a tail.
story: was abondoned at age 4 in the wilds of Selva Misionera, raised by the animals. I got attached to the wild dogs that lived there and slowy became one and a yokai.
powers: talks to animals,psycic ,good at tactics, can control light and dark elements.
some facts about me: doesn't respond well to rude orders and mainly keeps to self unless spoken to,fiery persona and a good otaku not a Walabu


Name: Arya (say: Ar-ee-uh)
Age: 17 years
Gender: Chiky babe (female)
Rank: Fighter
Likes: My Dragon; Saphira, Flying, swimming and spending time with Saphira, Jedi training, sailing on my ship (the black pearl) with Saphira flying next to it.
Dislikes: Ra'zac, Urgals , King galbatorix
Description: I have long brown hair, a slim figure, am tanned, have a fiery personality, dont give up easily, Scorpio is my star sign and I am also very secretive and mysterious and will often tell facts about dragons to fellow clan members and enjoy telling about my missions, so feel free to ask anything you would like to know.
Story: A few months before I turned 17 I came across a blue stone in my home forest in Alagaesia. I took it and became aware that the stone was in fact an egg with a dragon inside, The dragon hatched and as I touched her, a symbol was burnt into my hand known as the Gedwey Ignasia, or the shining palm. We became very attached to each other over time and I became aware that we could communicate through thought. We spent hours every day talking, hunting, swimming and just being with each other. Eventually we discovered that the evil King Galbatorix was after us, and wanted us to join him and rule by his side as he was afraid that we would come after and kill him. I regularly go on missions with my dragon; Saphira but she is EXTREMELY protective of me and will NOT let strangers get very close, so be careful! I came to the Dark-Moon clan because Dusk told me they also rebelled against King Galbatorix, I figured the clan was less crowded than the varden (ask me about them anytime) and decided to stay here for a while to train and relax a bit more.
Powers: Magic (comes from my dragon to me, its hard to explain), and the force (a jedi thing)
Some facts about me: I am also a pirate, a Jedi, and as you already know, im a dragon rider.


Name: Saphira
Gender: Female
Rank: Scout
Likes: possum, deer, spending time with Arya
Dislikes: People who pose a threat to Arya.
Description: A young dragon with deep saphire blue scales and eyes, her talons and spikes on her neck, back, and tail are bone-white. Her face is roughly triangular and she has four cheek spines, slightly curved horns, and forehead spines between her horns.
Story: Saphira was born to two wild dragons; Apalala, a male dragon and Galzorah, a female dragon. Both dragons perished during the Fall of the Dragon Riders. Saphira's sapphire-blue colored egg, along with two others were found and taken by Galbatorix during the Fall. Galbatorix tried desperately to find a Rider for whom the eggs would hatch, but was unsuccessful. None of the dragons responded to the touch of anyone in the Empire. Later in Galbatorix's reign, a former Rider discovered a secret entrance into Urû'baen (where Galbatorix's kingdom is). The Varden appointed a thief, to steal the eggs, but his mission went wrong and he was only able to recover a single egg. The egg was then transported back and forth from the Varden to the kingdom of the elves, in the hope that the Dragon would eventually hatch. The egg-courier, a young elf was one day led into a trap on his way back to the Varden and he had to somehow get the egg away from his captors. He used the aincient language to send it to a fellow Varden member but it did not get quite that far and instead landed in front of Arya.
Powers: all sorts. As she gets older, she learns more and is also able to sustain a flame for longer.
Some facts about her: Though Saphira is young, she is very wise and often comforted and guides Arya, and sometimes others, when they were upset or needed advice. Saphira is also very proud, magnificent and protective creature.


Name: Sauske
Age: 13 years
Gender: Male
Rank: Fighter
Likes: To be alone, the colour black, to be with Arya and Saphira who I have known a little while, german shepards and especially fire.
Dislikes: I HATE water, seeing people get hurt and bright colours.
Description: I have dark hair, brown eyes and have a deamon bite mark at the back of my neck.
Story: At the young age of 8, I was bitten by a deamon snake person looking thing. I then descovered that I could make fireballs and control the element of fire. My dad died when he was in the army when I was 1 and my mother died of cancer when I was 7, I have lived alone and fended for myself ever since. At the age of 12 I met Arya, a young dragon rider and amazing fighter, we match each others skills extremely well and often enjoy sparing against each other. Saphira still is defensive against me but not so much any more. One day Arya and I went our seperate ways and I came here only to discover that Arya was here too.
Powers: Has the power over fire, can go through walls and can turn invisible and transparent.
Some facts about me: Arya is like my older sister, we are very close.


Name: Goku
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank: Guard
Likes: Running with leopards through the ocean deeps and through the night sky.
Dislikes: Killing leopards
Description: Black Spiky hair,gigantic muscles,amazing eyes.
Story: when I was three my parents died from some sort of flame, I lived with only leopards at my side,they taught me how to hunt and to roar and in return I taught them to swim and to talk. We have done everythinng together since I was 4, me and my 2 leopards Jake and Drake. last year I found sauske roaming alone, I had seen him again with the dragon rider ayra and her dragon saphira.
Powers: to speak to leopards and to hold my breath and leopards breath.
Some facts about me: I have said to much already......


Name: Slade
Age: 18
Gender: male
Rank: Guard
Likes: fighting, training, practicing my magic
Dislikes: not much...
Description: tall and slim, brown hair, bright blue eyes
Story: unknown... I am a very mysterious guy...
Powers: I can control the elements of earth, fire, water and air
Some facts about me: I have a black horse called Cadoc


Name: Blue
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Rank: Guard
Likes: Action, Swords, Friends
Dislikes: Apples, Isolation
Description: Blue is a half furry with blue hair and a blue tail
Story: Blue ran-away when he was a boy because he was ridiculed because of his tail. Then, in a land far away from where he came from, a blacksmith found him and raised him. He even taught him how to fight.
Powers: Not much except for temporary super speed (which wears him out when he uses it)


Gender: female
Description:long straight blue hair purple cloakish wrap around body long pointed ears has bow and arrow and deep purple set eyes
Rank: Fighter
Likes:sword fighting, my unicorn seze,and can have a pet dragon if ayra doesn't mind, he's tall black and a nightfury (i'm in total love with toothless) so i guess he does look like toothless, :D
Disklikes: being bossed around and put down, i'm actually a very independant person beleive it or not haha
Story: until i was ten i was raised up in a very wealthy family but felt it was all too much and they were treating me quite badly, so i headed on a quest to find somewhere more decent, when i found my powers 2 and a half years into the quest (so i was 12 and a half) i came across an old man who took me in, taught me how to profesionally fight and become more intuned with my powers, he died. so i came to dusk and u gang to stay!
Powers: elf, and wizard.


Name: Hail
Rank: Apprentice
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Likes: Books, company, fireworks and music
Dislikes: Cheaters, quitters, laziness...
Description: Long black hair,green eyes, could pass as a human except when using my powers as eyes then kinda light up.
Powers: As an elemental I can do magic tying in to nature.I'm still experimenting with my powers but it seems snow/ice magic comes pretty naturally. (Hence the name Hail.)
Story: I lived with my loving parents until my powers started showing at age 10. My parents freaked out and I ran away. Then I found this clan.


Name: Crimson
Rank: Scout
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Likes: long bush walks, reading and art
Dislikes: loud, unnatural places and pollution
Description: long reddish hair, bright hasle eyes, tall, slim and my body is decorated with flowers and vines
Powers: I have the power to control the earth, so I can grow plants, creat a canyon and make any other holes.
Story: When I was about 5 years old my father was taken by some evil people as a prisoner. He soon escaped when I was 15 so my mother and I travled to the Dark moon Clan with him but just outside the forest, my father died in my arms. My mother and I vist his grave a lot and I grow a small blossom tree next to his grave so that the small flowers would bloom right above his body.


Name: Keeha (Key-ha)
Age: 17
Gender: female
Rank: Scout
Likes: music, playing my guitar, singing and the colour black
Dislikes: humans, bishes, nerds and weirdos
Description: long flame coloured hair and crimson eyes, has a long thin blade that is extremely sharp and wears a lot of black clothing, she has a long scar across her stomach and hates for people to see it. also a small diamond of flame coloured skin on her forehead
Personality: a rebel, she is a rocker at heart and dont push her around, she will bite, no seriously, she bites
Story: when she was ten she was taken from her family and put into training as a ninja, on her first year of being a full ninja she was 16 at the time, she got into a fight with another ninja, they fought hard but she got a long cut on her stomach and fell bleeding to the street, the other ninja was about to kill her when he saw it was the same girl he grew up with, his best friend. he ran disgusted and she was left bleeding on the street, someone found her and took her to the hospital, the doctors saved her but only just, she fled from the hospital and into a nearby forest. she lived there for a few months training her self too do better as a ninja and never be beaten by another again, one night there was a forest fire and she was trapped in the cave she was staying in, something came into the cave, it was a human shaped flame, it touched her forehead and she screamed in pain, the touch left a diamond of flame coloured skin on her forehead. the fire stopped and the fire creature took her and taught her how to use the power that he gave her, once the training was done her took her far into the woods and left, she walked for a bit and saw a house in the distance, she went towards it and found the dark moon clan.
Powers: a skilled ninja with the ability to go invisible and also has the power over fire


Name: Miko
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Rank: Scout
Likes: Not being seen, my home. Music and grafiti art, hanging underground, my pet tiger Daze, playfighting with Daze, just talking to Daze. Practicing my powers and my singing. Hangin around in the forest climbing trees and eating chocolate and getting high. Dark clothing and shoes. My favourite song of all time 'i'm with you'
Dislikes: Music haters, not being with Daze, art haters, not being able to sing, being quiet, being parted with my guitar, pastel and light colours, being trapped in enclosed spaces for long periods of time, giggling, idiots, animal haters, tiger haters, quitters, cheaters, lies, back stabbing, useless people. I dislike quite a few
things really.
Description: Waist length whitish blonde hair and silver eyes, I am slightly see through as I am a ghost, I wear a black dress, wrist bracelet and a cute hat with a rose on it, I am pale and pretty, my dress goes down to around my knees and I wear little pointed shoes. My dress is made of silk, my last present from the lady who took care of me. I cant change as I died in this, sometimes I wish I could though.
Personality: I am a rebel. I like darkness and if I seem cold, it's usually because I haven't seen Daze, my guitar or sang for a while. I am nice to animals and I have a soft spot for them, espicially tigers and other cats. I prefer to be with animals than humans and when I feel an emotion like saddness or others like that, I will almost always just say 'help' it is the best word to express anything. If I say it I am feeling a particually strong emotion.
Story: I was abandonned as a baby on the doorstep of an orphanage by a mother who never wanted me, I grew up there and was raised by people I diddnt even know the names of. I was adopted by a rich lady when I was five and she gave me fancy clothes and toys to play with, I was never happy though. I stopped eating one day and became very thin, the lady took me to every doctor she could find and they all said they didnt know what was wrong with me, I became weaker and weaker. One day, I died. My heart stopped and I couldn't move, I was alive on the inside though. The lady buried me, a big funeral, when I was put into my coffin and buried I felt myself change, like I could do anything. I was GhostGirl. I floated through my coffin and the dirt with ease stopping when I reached fresh air, I looked around and saw a dying rose on my grave, I touched it and it became whole again, red and perfect. I walked out of the graveyard and over to the forest where I could live, I came across the dark-moon clan and dusk helped me perfect my powers, they have been perfected now. One day I came across a dead tiger in the forest and brought him to life, I could talk to him, his name was Daze. As I saved him he has stayed with me, he has been my pet ever since.
Powers: I have control over life and death, I can kill anyone I wish to and bring to life anyone also. I can also move through solid objects such as walls and become compleately invisible.
Other facts about me: I have plenty of secrets both dark and light, When I got to the dark-moon clan I changed my name, I have never told anyone except Daze my true name as if anyone knew it they would have compleate control over me and everything I can do. I only tell true friends this. Anything killed by me cannot be brought back to life, except by me, only if I want to.


Name: Azera
Rank: Guard
Personality: Funny and friendly, relaxed and always up for a chat.
Gender: Female
Likes: hanging out with her friends, the sun and exploring
Dislikes: secrets and lies
Story: I was bitten when I ran away. Because my dad was depressed when my mum died he remarried and I hated my stepmother. My dad travelled a lot so one day when he was a journey my stepmother hit me and I ran away. I was planning to go back, find my dad and talk to him but I was bitten and it would have been too dangerous. Since becoming a vampire I travelled a lot,all round the world, hating the fact I was a vampire and could never see my dad again.
Powers: nothing except the basic vampire ones but I'm still fast as!!
Other Facts: I'm a vegetarian


name: Amy
age: 15
gender female
rank: scout
likes: the sun, roses, singing and playing my piano
dislikes: not a lot...
discription: very pretty newborn vampire, light brown thick hair and often wears a rose and beads in it, I wear old fashoned dresses as I was a princes and am used to pretty much the best, I have a very soft wind-chime voice, always wears light, gold, tight bracelets around my wrists
personality: very kind and sweet but can get bossy and impatient sometimes, I am a natural leader and don't take being told what to do very well, am very independent but love talking to friends every now and then
story: was stolen from my kingdom and turned by an unknown... I had to run away because I cant resist the smell of human blood and came here to better understand what is happening to me...
                                                                   powers: shape shifting vampire
                                                                   facts: I am NOT a 'vegetarian' vampire